Unit 5 What Is He like
Part A

本套教材五年级上册Unit 7 She Looks Tall and Thin中学生已经学习过如何描述人物的外貌特征和爱好,本单元将以描述人物性格为主要话题,学习如何描述人物性格,让学生能够在教师的引导下结合已有的知识结构,进行知识的整合和能力的提升,逐步过渡到如何用英语描述家庭成员、朋友、动物等更多的相关信息。

1. 能听、说、读、写单词:clever, outgoing, shy, kind, friendly, hard-working, serious, lazy。
Warming-up: Listen and do, Let’s learn, Let’s guess

clever, outgoing, shy, kind, friendly, hard-working, serious, lazy。


课程导入(Leading In)
(1)课前热身 Part A Warming-up: Listen and do
教师通过Part A Warming-up部分中的第一个活动Listen and do环节的Simon says游戏首先将学生自然地引入英语学习氛围,继而复习身体部位的词汇。教师可这样引入:
T: Let’s play a game: Simon says,“Touch your nose / face / ear / eye / hair / head /... ”(用简单的语言重申游戏规则)Simon is a king. We should follow his order. He says “Touch your ...” and we will do the action. If no “Simon says”,we don’t do the action.
上一环节中,在学生进行游戏的过程中,教师可将本节课将要学到的词汇融入You are clever.和Don’t be shy.等句子中对学生的表现进行适当的评价,引入本节课词汇的学习。
(1)新课展示Part A Let’s learn
1. 教授单词clever
用... is clever.表扬“课前热身”环节中为组里取得胜利的某个学生,并出示clever的教学卡片,和学生一起边拼读边书写在黑板上,逐步引导学生集体说出来。然后指着PPT中孙悟空的图片问学生:
What is he like? Is he clever?
教师以课件展示句型What is he like?帮助学生理解与识记,引导学生回答He is clever.并启发他们用... is clever, too.推荐班里其他的聪明孩子。
2. 教授单词shy
T: What is she like? (这里从he变到she,帮助学生了解不同性别的表达方式,复习人称代词he和she,并加强学生对句型的理解和应用)
T: She is shy.(自问自答,并出示卡片,带领学生认读)
T: S-H-Y. I think it’s easy. Who can write it on the blackboard?
此单词比较容易记忆,教师可选出不太主动举手发言的内向孩子上台写出这个单词。其间可用Don’t be shy. Just try.等鼓励语进行强化。
T: What is ... like? (教师说出班里比较内向,容易害羞的学生名字,用功能句发问,鼓励学生回答)
Ss: She is shy.
3. 教授单词outgoing
T: What is ... like? Is he / she shy? (预计学生的反应可能是笑着否定)
T: Oh. He / She is not shy. He / She is outgoing.
4. 教授单词friendly
T: Do you have friends, S1?
S1: Yes.
T: How many friends do you have? 1, 2,...?
T: You have so many friends. They all like you. You must be friendly to them.
T: What’s ... like? Is he / she friendly, outgoing or shy?
Ss: He / She is friendly.
T: Who is your best friend? What is he / she like?
Ss: My best friend is ... He / She is friendly / shy / outgoing / clever /...
5. 教授单词kind和serious
T: Look at the grandma! What is she like? She is kind, very kind.
My mother is kind. Miss ... is kind. ...
T. What is this grandma like? Is she kind now?
No. She is not kind. She is serious.
T: What am I like?
Ss: You are ...
T: What is Mr. / Miss ... like?
Ss: He / She is...
6. 教授单词hard-working和lazy
T: Look at the bee. It is always busy. It’s hard-working
T: Is this bear hard-working? No. He is still sleeping in the day time. It’s not hard-working. It’s lazy.
T: What are you like? Are you hard-working or lazy?
Ss: I’m hard-working / lazy.
教学小贴士 教师在这里可以根据学生的知识水平和课堂的生成,灵活地进行词汇的扩充,如:smart, lovely, quiet, active等。 |
1. 教师播放录音,让学生听并跟读Let’s learn部分的单词。
2. 学生两人一组,互相拼读拼写单词。
(1)新课展示Part A: Let’s talk
1. 课件出示Ms. May和Mr. Black的图片,并将两个人物的图片分别贴在黑板上,在下面写上他们的名字。
T: This is Ms. May, and this is Mr. Black. What are they like? What do you think of them?
在学生熟悉句型What is ... like?后,教师就可以将新的功能句What do you think of ...?通过这样的提问引出,并把这两个基本句型交叉使用,让学生理解这两个句子的意思都可用来对某人的个性特征进行提问。
教师板书功能句What do you think of...? 并指着Ms. May的图片,再次提问学生:
T: What’s Ms. May like? What do you think of her?
Ss: She is serious.
然后指着Mr. Black的图片提问学生:
T: What do you think of Mr. Black?
Ss: He is kind.
教学小贴士 1. Mr.意为“先生”,一般用于男子的姓氏、姓名或职务。。英美人的姓在名字后面,如果一个英国男子叫John Brown,就称他为Mr. Brown 或Mr. John Brown,但不能称其为Mr. John。Mr.一般步能单独使用。 2. Mrs.意为“夫人、太太”,常用于已婚妇女丈夫的姓氏前,如一姓学的女子嫁给了姓刘的男子,就称其为Mrs. Liu,而不能称Mrs. Li。 3. Miss意为“小姐”,对未婚女子的称呼,用于其姓或姓名前。Miss还可以单独用用于一般年轻女性的尊称,包括学生对女教师的称呼。 4. Ms.意为“女士”,用于已婚或未婚女子均可。 |
2. 课件播放Let’s talk部分的对话视频,让学生初步感知对话:
T: Maybe you are right. Now, please look at the screen, and listen to the dialogue carefully. What are Kevin and his sister talking about? What are Ms. May and Mr. Black like? Try to get the right answers to my questions.
(1) What does Mr. Black do?
(2) What is he like?
(3) What dose Ms. May do?
(4) What do you think of her?
Ss: Mr. Black is a teacher. He is Kevin’s Math teacher. He is kind. Ms. May is a teacher, too. She is the sister’s Math teacher. She is (a little) serious.
T: Ms. May is serious, but she’s not very serious. She is a little serious.
在说到a little时,教师可用拇指卡住食指头处,形象地描绘出“一点点”的意思,帮助学生复习该词组。由于对话中涉及到的人物学生是首次接触,教师要注意引导学生在第一次整体感知课文的基础上,先有目标地找到这两个人物的基本信息。
3. 学生朗读课文,教师通过提问帮助学生进一步了解对话内容。问题可参考如下:
(1) What’s Kevin’s favorite subject? Why?
(2) What does Kevin think of their Math classes?
(3) Does Kevin’s sister like Ms. May?
在学生第二次接触对话时,提出更细致的问题,可以引导学生挖掘出更多信息。第(3)个问题为引申的问题,虽然课文中没有明确表示出Kevin的姐姐对Ms. May表示喜爱的句子,但应培养学生从字里行间中猜测出更深层的含义。
T&Ss: Kevin’s favorite subject is Math. Because he likes his Math teacher. He thinks their Math classes are interesting.
Yes. She likes Ms. May. Because Ms. May teaches very well.
4. 教师带领学生再次整体回顾对话,并详细讲解疑难点,帮助学生理解对话大意。尤其是He always tries to make Math easy to understand.这个句子比较长,所涵盖的生词也比较多,应该有部分学生不了解确切的意思。
T: This sentence is long. Do you understand it? No. It is a little difficult. Let me help you. I’ll try to make it easy to understand.
板书make sth. easy to understand
T: make“使得,让……变得”。Now, it’s easy. Do you understand it? Well. Yes. I always try to make English easy to understand. And you’ll find English classes interesting.
在学生理解之后与学生用英语开个小玩笑,变换句型也可以加深学生对这个句子的理解,同时引出find sth. / sb. interesting这一表达,板书并引导、鼓励学生用一用,如:
I found the monkey very clever.
The students find the story interesting.
1. 教师播放Let’s talk部分的录音,让学生模仿其语音语调跟读对话。
2. 小组活动,分角色进行对话朗读练习。
