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Unit5 Can You Tell Me the Way to the Supermarket (第1课时) 教案 版本1 五年级英语上册 陕旅版.doc

2023-05-20 15:40  关注:

Unit5 1课时教学设计


1. 复习表示方位的介词:in, on, under, near,并进一步学习使用介词beside, behind, between

2. 能听、说、读、写词汇:supermarket, Children’s Park, take a bus, get off the bus


1. 教师准备:

(1) 多媒体图片、毛绒玩具、小盒子两个。

(2) Let’s learn部分的词汇卡片。

(3) Let’s learn部分的音频。

(4) 尺子、橡皮、铅笔各一个及写着每样东西藏匿线索的纸条。

2. 学生准备:毛绒玩具和两个小盒子。


I. 课程导入(Leading In)

1. 课前热身 Part A Warming-up: Read and draw

教师先在黑板上画好简笔画:一张课桌、一张饭桌、一个沙发和一个窗户,把Read and draw部分的四句文字内容分别分给全班四组同学,请四个小组分别选派一名同学上黑板来听指令补画物品。如:第一组同学给自己组的代表发指令:Draw a book on the desk.则该组代表应迅速在课桌上画一本书;四组同时进行,看哪个小组配合得最好。

2. 新课导入


T: Hello, everyone!

Ss: Hello, Rabbit!

T: Let’s play a game.

然后教师拿出一个小盒子,把小兔子放在盒子的不同位置,让学生说出兔子在哪里,引导学生复习方位介词in, on, undernear

T: Where is the rabbit?

Ss: It’s in the box.

T: Where is the rabbit now?

Ss: It’s under the box.

II. 课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(Presentation)

1. 新课展示Part A Let’s learn

1. 教授介词between, behind, beside

教师承接上一环节,随机把毛绒兔子放在学生的课桌上、头上或书包里提问Where is the rabbit?激发学生说的兴趣,并借助复习旧知识引入新的知识:

(1) 教师可以把兔子放在两个盒子的中间,也可以把小兔放在自己和一个学生中间,或放在两个学生中间,借助比较直观的效果学习between。然后板书、领读该单词,并在黑板上画出示意图。

(2) 教师把小兔放在身后,让学生猜位置,引出behind,并以此类推学习beside(3) 教师借助Listen and do的活动形式要求学生根据自己的口令把物品摆放到相应的位置。(学生借助各自所准备的毛绒玩具和小盒子独立操作)

2. 教授词汇supermarket, Children’s Park, take a bus, get off the bus


(1) 教师出示超市的图片,和学生进行问答:

T: Look! What’s this? Is it a cinema?

Ss: No, it isn’t.

T: Is it a hospital?

Ss: No, it isn’t.

T: Is it a school?

Ss: No, it isn’t.

T: Then what is it? Look, there are many things here, food, drinks, fruits, vegetables and clothes. People can buy many things here. It’s a supermarket.

教师在这里应注意:supermarket是一个合成词,可分解拼读拼写: su-per, mar-ket — super-market — supermarket

(2) 教师出示儿童公园的图片:

T: Look. Is this a supermarket, too?

Ss: No, it isn’t.

T: You are right. It isn’t a supermarket. This is the Children’s Park. Children often play in the Children’s Park. We are going to the Children’s Park this afternoon.(此处可引入巩固 supermarket) Now, let’s buy some food and drinks. Let’s go to the supermarket.

(3) 教师出示公共汽车的图片:

T: What’s this?

Ss: It’s a bus.

T: Yes. It’s a bus. Let’s take the bus.

教师做出乘坐公共汽车的动作,板书并领读短语take the bus

(4) 教师在行车过程中借助多媒体出示supermarket图片:

T: The supermarket is here. Let’s get off the bus.

教师板书并领读短语get off the bus并做出相应的动作帮助学生理解。

T: Now, let’s buy the food and drinks..

OK. We can go to the Children's Park now. How can we go there?


T & Ss: Let’s / We can take a bus.

T: The next stop is Children’s Park. Be ready to get off the bus.

Ss: OK.

2. 听说练习

(1) 教师播放Let’s learn部分的录音,让学生模仿其语音语调跟读本部分的词汇,加强其记忆。

(2) 学生熟读本部分词汇后,教师将词汇卡片贴在黑板上,随机指图片让学生说出相应的词汇,进行巩固练习。

III. 操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities)

1. Listen and do


There is a ball between the chair and the box.

There is a rabbit behind the door.

There is an apple in the box.

There is a chair near the window.

There is a book beside the teacher’s desk.

2. 找宝贝游戏

教师课前先在教室的某几个地方藏好几样东西(如一把绿色的尺子, 或是一块橡皮等),注意要藏在比较隐蔽的不同地点,例如椅子底下、门后等等。之后,教师将学生分成小组,每组派一位代表抽签,根据任务线索寻找要找的宝贝。教师提前写好到目的地的线索,如:The ruler is in a box under a chair.活动开始时,教师给出一个线索,学生根据线索快速进行寻找,在规定时间内找到相应宝贝的组即为获胜组。

3. 听音圈词

教师先将词汇卡片打乱顺序贴在黑板的一侧,并根据所贴卡片的顺序将词汇对应板书在黑板的另一侧。然后把学生分为两组,每组选出46人听口令圈词,如口令为Circle the supermarket.队员要迅速走到黑板前圈出supermarket。先圈出的组可加一分。其间,教师要注意强调安全问题。

Unit5 2课时教学设计


1. 能听懂、会说、会用句型:Is there a ... near here? Can you tell me the way to...? Go along the ... The ... is beside / behind it. / There is a ... between ... and ... 就场所的位置进行问答,并能在日常生活中恰当自如地问路、指路。

2. 能够在对话中正确使用礼貌用语。

3. 能在教师的带领和组织下,完成Part B Look, find and answer部分的活动。


1. 教师准备:

(1) Let’s talk部分的教学挂图和音频。

(2) Part B Look, find and answer部分要用到的图片。

(3) 若干张纸条,上面写上Is there a supermarket / ... near here? I want to buy some fruits /...等句子。

2. 学生准备:自己设计的一张街区图。


I. 课程导入(Leading In)

1. 课前热身


T: Hello, boys and girls! It’s a fine day. Let’s go to the Children’s Park.

Ss: OK.

T: But how can we go there?

Ss: We can take a bus.

T: Great! Let’s take the bus to the Children’s Park.

2. 新课导入

教师可借助Part A Warming up中的第二个活动Look and talk about the differences,引领学生运用上一课时所学的词汇描述场所的位置。


T: Oh, look. There are two pictures here. Let’s look at them carefully. Are they the same? What are the differences?


Where is the Children’s Park in the first picture?

What is behind it?

Can you see the zoo? Where is it?

What is beside the shop?


II. 课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(Presentation)

1. 新课展示

(1) 教师承接课程导入部分,引入对话中问路的功能句:

T: Now children, let’s go to the Children's Park.

Ss: OK.


T: But how can we go there? Who can tell me the way to the Children’s Park?


T: Excuse me.

T&S1: Yes? Can I help you?

T: Is there a Children’s Park near here?

S1: (教师点头引导学生作肯定回答)Yes.

T: (做出问路的样子)Can you tell me the way to the Children’s Park?

教师重复问句:Can you tell me the way to the Children’s Park?

引导全班同学一起重复:Can you tell us the way to the Children’s Park?

S1: (教师点头引导学生作肯定回答)Yes./OK.

T: Thank you.


T: Excuse me. I want to buy something. Is there a supermarket near here?

S2: Yes, there is.

T: Can you tell me the way to the supermarket?

S2: Yes. / OK.

T: Thank you.

(2) 展示Let’s talk部分的教学挂图,教授指路的常用语句。


T: Do you want to buy anything in the supermarket?

S2: (教师点头引导学生作肯定回答)Yes, I do.

T: Do you know the way to the supermarket?

S2: (教师摇头引导学生作否定回答,并引导其问路)No. I don’t know. Can you tell me the way to the supermarket?

T: Yes.


T: Look! Go along the way and you can see the hospital on the left. The supermarket is behind it.

S2: Thank you.

T: You are welcome.

2. 听音问答

教师播放录音,让学生听Let’s talk部分的对话,并向其展示本部分的教学挂图,引起问答:

T: What does the man want to buy?

S: He wants to buy some fruits.

T: Can you tell him the way to the supermarket?


T&Ss: Go along the street and you can see ... on the left / right.


—Can you tell me the way to the supermarket?

—Go along the street and you can see ... on the left / right.

3. 角色扮演


III. 操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities)

1. 传话游戏

教师将学生分成若干组,给每组的第一位学生一张纸条,上面写上“Is there a supermarket /... near here? I want to buy some fruits /.…”等句子,由学生采用耳语的方式依次把纸条上的内容传下去,每组最后一名学生则要大声说出听到的句子。教师要注意给每个组的纸条都不一样,并确保每组到达的地点都不相同,看哪组说得又迅速又准确。通过这个活动提高学的听读能力。

2. 小组活动

教师准备一些主题,如:怎样去商店?怎样去公园?怎样去学校?然后将学生分成若干小组,请各组抽选主题。组员拿出各自设计的街区图, 合作完成对话的内容并进行表演。在各组表演完对话后,选出最佳队员及获胜组。


A: Excuse me.

B: Yes? Can I help you?

A: I want to…Is there a…near here?

B: Yes.

A: Where is it?

B: Can you see the…there? The…is…it.

A: Thank you.

B: You are welcome.

3. Part B Look, find and answer

教师出示Look, find and answer部分的图片,引领学生观察并确认各个场所的位置:The supermarket is between the bus stop and the bookstore. The bookstore is next to the school. The cinema is behind the bookstore. ...然后让学生两人一组完成对话。

Unit5 3课时教学设计


1. 拓展学习问路的句型How can I get to the ...?并能综合运用第一及第二课时所 学的内容,根据实际情况正确应答。

2. 能在教师的引导下,完成Part B Look and talk部分以及Part C Ask and answer 部分的活动。


1. 教师准备:

(1) Let’s learn more部分的教学挂图、Kevin和警察的头饰。

(2) Let’s learn more部分的音频。

(3) —些本单元及以前所学过的场所的词汇卡片。

(4) 一张Kevin去儿童公园的路线图。

(5) Look and talk部分的街区图。

(6) —个简短的英语导游介绍小景点的视频。

2. 学生准备:一张从学校到自己家的地图。


I. 课程导入(Leading In)

1. 课前热身


Where is the park?

It’s near the shop.

It’s near the shop.

Where is the cinema?

It’s next to the library.

It’s next to the library.

Where is the zoo?

It’s beside the supermarket.

It’s beside the supermarket.

Where is the car?

It’s behind the tree.

It’s behind the tree.

2. 新课导入

教师可承接上一环节中的chant部分,尝试借助Part C Ask and answer部分进行导入。如在歌谣最后一段可唱:Where is your home, ...? Where is your home?并请点到名字的学生展示他所准备的从学校到家的路线图,引起师生对话:

T: Where is your home, S1?

S1: (展示所准备的从学校到家的路线图,引导大家看图并介绍)Look at the picture. My home is behind / beside / near the...

II. 课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(Presentation)

1. 新课展示

1. 教师承接新课导入部分,在师生会话中引出新的功能句:

T: Where is your home, S2? I’d like to go to your home. But I don’t know the way. Can you tell me the way to your home? / How can I get to your home?

教师反复交叉使用Can you tell me the way to your home? / How can I get to your home?进行提问,使学生了解另一种问路的方式:How can I get to ...?

S2: (展示所准备的从学校到家的路线图,引导大家看图并介绍)Look at this picture. Go along this street and you can see the ... here. My home is behind / beside / near it. ...

教师引导学生逐步加入 take a bus, get off the bus, go along the street, turn left, turn right, go straight等词语对其路线图进行完整表述:

T&S2: Go along the street,...

2. 教师在黑板上通过图示创设情境:Kevin要去儿童公园,他在问路。教师要注意在图中的适当地点放一个Kevin的头饰,让学生从该处出发帮助他找到公园。教师可让学生在黑板上标出Kevin去公园的路线,引导其观察并用英语描述路线:

T&S1: He can take a bus at the bus stop and get off at Park Road. The Children’s Park is beside the cinema.


Kevin ( T ) : Excuse me.

Policeman: Yes?

Kevin ( T ) : Can you tell me the way to the Children’s Park?(然后很快换种问法)How can I get to the Children’s Park?

Policeman: You can take a bus at the ... Then get off at... And...

Kevin ( T ) : Thank you very much.


How can I get to the Children’s Park?

You can take a bus.

在这里,教师可以把by bus, by train, by plane, by bike, by ship, on foot这些表示交通方式的短语融入对话中进行复现。出行的方式有很多种,教师可以让学生根据自己的实际情况来选择作答,也可以制作一张表格,统计学生出行的方式。

How can you go to school?


Take a bus

By taxi

By bike

By car

On foot

教师可在课前准备好一些打印的表格,也可以在黑板上画出表格让学生自己在练习本上仿画,然后让学生四人一组完成表格,并在相应的交通方式下打勾。教师还可准备一些其他主题,如:How can you go to the park? How can you go to the zoo? 等等,让学生进行充分练习。



1. No Honking禁止鸣笛

2. No Jaywalking 禁闯红灯

3. No Passing禁止通行

4. No Parking不准停车

5. No Entry禁止入内

6. No Waiting不准等候

2. 巩固活动

1. 教师播放Let’s learn more部分的录音,一遍正常速度,一遍慢速。并设定一些相关问题让学生根据录音内容作答,参考问题如下:

(1) How can they get to the Children’s Park?

(2) What do they want to buy?

(3) Who helps the children?

2. 对话表演

教师先将学生分组,如男生表演警察、女生表演问路的学生。再让学生个别表演,以提高学生的语言能力。表演中教师要注意培养学生的语音语调(如问句Park Road?就要用升调),并注意礼貌用语的表达。

III. 操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities)

1. 盲人找路

学生两人一组,参加游戏,其中一名学生要用眼罩蒙住眼睛,由搭档借助turn left, go along等词汇描述回家的路,引导其完成任务到达目的地,在规定的时间内顺利完成任务的为获胜组。

2. Part B Look and talk

教师指导学生认真观察Look and talk部分的街区图,找准每个场所的位置关系,然后两人一组进行对话练习,之后,随机选出部分小组在班上演示。

3. 我是小导游


Hello! Welcome to ... It’s near the ... There is ... We can take a bus at the ... and get off at... Turn right / left. We can visit the ... It’s very nice.

Unit5 4课时教学设计


1. 能听懂、理解Part B Read and discuss部分的小故事I Don’t Know the Way,并能四人一组完成故事的表演。

2. 能在教师的引领下完成Part C Listen and match, Read and complete the map Look and write这三个部分的检测活动。


1. 教师准备:

(1) Read and discuss部分的教学挂图。

(2) Read and discuss部分及Listen and match部分的音频。

(3) “字图接龙活动中需要的词汇卡片、奖章。

(4) 一些学校内各场所的图片。

2. 学生准备:

(1) 本单元的词汇卡片。

(2) 街区图、警察头饰。


I. 课程导入(Leading In)

1. 课前热身


T: Excuse me!

Ss: Yes?

T: Where is Li Lei?

Ss: He is behind ... He is between ... and ... He is beside...

2. 新课导入


T: Where is the …?

Ss: It’s beside the music room.


II. 课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(Presentation)

1. Part B Read and discuss

这是一个幽默故事。Mr. Brown很累,他想在车里休息一会儿,可不停地有人敲车窗问去超市的路,使得他没法休息,因此他想出一招:在他的车前玻璃上贴了我不知道去超市的路。没想到这样还是不得安宁,他的纸条又引得一位热心的老太太前来叫醒他,并要告诉他怎么去超市。

1. 读前,教师可先借助动作表情或简笔画,介绍一些表示情感的形容词,如:用简笔画在黑板上画出疲惫的、开心的和生气的表情。

教师先做一个笑脸,再做一个跳舞的动作。让学生说出句型I’d like to dance.

教师再做出疲惫的表情,并且打呵欠,引导学生说I’m tired. I’d like to sleep.

教师出示问题,然后播放Read and discuss部分的录音,让学生带着问题去阅读,并讨论答案。参考问题如下:

(1) What would Mr. Brown do? Why?

(2) Where do the man and the woman want to go?

(3) Does Mr. Brown sleep well? Why?

(4) Why does Grandma tell him the way to the supermarket?

(5) Does Mr. Brown know the way?

2. 教师随机挑选学生回答问题,了解故事大意后,让学生四人一组分角色表演故事,并提醒他们注意人物的表情和语气:老奶奶要演出热心肠,布朗先生要表演出又累又无奈的表情。这个对话是个幽默剧,教师要指导学生表演出该特点,并注意挖掘学生的语言潜力,鼓励他们将动作做得夸张一些,以提高学生的兴趣,激发其参与表演的积极性。

2. Part C Listen and match

1. 教师让学生观察图片,并以师生问答的形式让学生说出相应的单词。然后向学生讲清楚本部分的习作要求,即:听录音,将地点和相应的交通工具连线。

2. 教师播放Listen and match部分的录音磁带,学生听录音连线。

3. 教师选出四名同学,假设他们分别处在这四幅图所示的地点,然后分别给他们打电话,如:

T: Hello, S1! Where are you?

S1: I’m in...

T: How can I get there?

S1: You can...


4. 本部分录音材料如下:

1. —Where is Sanya?

—It’s in Hainan. You can go there by ship.

2. — Excuse me.


—Can you tell me the way to the hospital?

—Yes. It’s near here. Just walk along the street and turn right.

3. — Excuse me. How can we get to the Children’s Park?

—The Children’s Park is on Fengqing Road. You can take a bus to go there.

4. — Where is the library?

—The library is between the cinema and the bookstore. You can go by car.

3. Part C Read and complete the map

此项活动要求学生根据对阅读材料的理解,在地图中标出方框中所给出的三个场所的位置,以检测学生对on, beside, near, between等表示位置关系的介词的掌握情况。教师可设计师生问答活动以检测学生对短文的理解。参考问题如下:

1. Where is your house? Can you find it on the map?

2. What is beside it?

3. What can you see near the bus stop?

4. Where is the school?


4. Part C Look and write


1. What can you see in the picture?

2. Where is the cinema?

3. What is beside it?

4. Can you see the Children’s Park? What can you see near it?

5. Where is the school?

6. Is the zoo far away? Where is it?


III. 操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities)

1. 字图接龙




2. 小组比赛

将学生分成两组,每组选一人为代表到台前,听教师的指令(如get on the bus, get off the bus, turn left, turn right, stand between ... and beside, behind),先表演出来的组得一分,表演错了的换下一个代表来玩,看哪一个组的分高。

3. 优秀小警察


Man / Woman: Excuse me!

Policeman: What can I do for you?

Man / Woman: How can I get to...?

Policeman: It’s …


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